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I Am Kathryn Fragoso

I am so glad to be bringing you another I Am More post this Thursday. We are in the fourth week of July Self Care Month. July is definitely a longer month, but I hope this month has helped you find inspiration and introduced you to some new products/ services.

This week’s post is all about Kathryn Fragoso. Her and her husband are the owners of Provisions by Kat, an essential oil based wellness product business. If you are looking to learn more about that, just click the business name and give that promotion a read! As for Kat, she is a Central Jersey native, graduating from Colonia and then furthering her education at Rutgers University. While at Rutgers she studied Laboratory Animal Science and she now works full time for Memorial Sloan Kettering as the lead trainer of all the animal care staff. As for Provisions, Kat and her husband came across essential oils while attempting to live a toxin free life. From there Kat (who has been known to be creative and crafty) started making everyday products with these oils and sometimes would give them out as gifts to friends, family, and others. Everyone who got them, loved them and would ask for her to make more. Finally, her husband suggested that if the demand was so high they should start to sell them. She agreed and provisions blossomed from there.

Along with her children, Kat attributes her greatest achievement to her business Provisions. She explained how her and her husband built the business from the ground up, not only to fulfill a passion but to also help other people navigate through living a toxin free life. While she and her husband began this business together, I was still curious as to whether or not Kat found any struggles within the business realm as a woman. What I came to find out was Kat felt as though her husband saw more tension while out at markets because the women don’t always take him seriously because it is assumed men don’t necessarily know about wellness products.

This observation Kat made really opened my eye to the exclusivity women can create and it rubbed me the wrong way. I feel as though for many many years women have fought to be equal to men, to not be judged based on our appearance, to be taken seriously no matter what kind of a room we are standing in. So many women throughout history have worked so hard to get us the respect we women deserve, but why is it so hard for us to give men that same respect? To me it’s very hypocritical to be offended if a man doesn’t take your seriously as a CEO of a company, but you can not take a man seriously when he is explaining a certain skin care product. I think it is high time we start giving men the same respect we expect from them because that is true equality.

As me and Kat spoke more, we also talked about the importance of patience, it is a characteristic both of us admit to struggle with. Kat was telling me how she was reading an article on these big time companies she follows and how badly she would love to be featured in a magazine one day. But she was explaining how success doesn’t happen overnight and most of these companies have been in business for at least 10 years. I thought it was a good to share with you all because so often we get caught up in what we want and how fast we want it, but how can you admire the destination when you don’t appreciate the trip?

On that note, we are going to wrap things up. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed learning more about Kat as much as I did. She is such a wonderful person to talk with. And if you haven’t already check out her business post by clicking here:).

Remember if there is a woman in your life you want to see featured on here, send us an email with their contact information and we will be sure to reach out to them! (

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